Wensum Valley Cycling

Members Information
Welcome to Wensum Valley Cycling. We are a friendly bunch, so hope you’ll enjoy riding with us.
The fee for new members is £30. Memberships will run for 12 months from the date of registration. Members are entitled to a £20 subsidy towards the purchase of a club jersey, then another £20 towards one other item of club clothing. If you would like to join, please complete the WVC Members Register.
CLUB Handbook
We try to keep “rules” to a minimum but, as with any organisation, there are ways of doing things that have been developed over time, and through experience. Collectively known as “Riders’ Etiquette”, our handbook is based on Paul Taverner’s club handouts. It aims to keep our rides running smoothly, and keep members and other road users safe. Please do ask for help or advice, on any aspect of life on a bike!
Part 1 – General Information – view
Part 2 – Group Riding – view
Part 3 – Ride Leaders – view
The club is run by a committee, please click here for more information.
We are affiliated with British Cycling which provides third-party liability insurance for club officials and ride leaders. Members are strongly urged to get your own third-part liability insurance. A good reason to join British Cycling, it includes insurance. Click here for information on their introductory discount and other member benefits. Membership of Cycling UK also includes third-party liability insurance.
Details on how to order club clothing will be posted on the WVC Chat Group and emailed to members.
Ride with GPS is our go-to app for route planning. Our handbook, Part 3 – Ride Leaders, provides information on route planning.
Nick Dunkley is our guru with regards to routes. He has extensive knowledge of Norfolk roads and cafés. He is more than willing to advise and review a proposed route. He can be contacted via the WVC CHAT Group.
Paul Taverner is our guru with regards to route planning and using cycle satnavs. He holds a training session once a year. There are few questions he is unable to answer. He can be contacted via the WVC CHAT Group.
GPS Tools
If you need to tweak a .fit file – timestamp error, merge multiple files, adjust a ride parameter, Fit File Tools might be able to help.
If you join “Wensum Valley Cycling Club“, you will be added to “This Week’s Leaderboard“. You will then be able to see how your efforts compare with other club members (distance, longest ride, average speed, elevation gain).
The following WhatsApp groups are where we do our day-to-day business. We will try and automatically add new members to the various groups. If you are not added, please speak with a ride leader, who will contact the appropriate club member, or email bike@wensumwalleycycling.club.
WVC CHAT Group, WVC Sunday 09:15, WVC Thursday Mornings, WVC Thursday Evening, WVC Tuesday Social 09:30, WVC Saturday Specials, Parsons Peddler Leaders, WVC Active Ride Leaders, WVC Swap-Buy-Sell.
There is also – Wensum Valley Cycling and Wensum Valley Cycling Club Forum, Twitter and Instagram.
The importance of eating and drinking cannot be over stated – even before a ride! Please see our Cafés page for more information.
If you can suggest anything else that might be useful here, please email bike@wensumwalleycycling.club.
Bike setup (professional fit recommended) – Retul, British Cycling
Avoiding saddle soreness – British Cycling
EDCA (time trialling) – Facebook, website
Norwich Cycling Campaign – Facebook, website
National Rail Enquiries for cyclist – website
“The Rules” – website