Wensum Valley Cycling

Latest News – January 2025

Winter Riding

There is a minimum temperature protocol which affects road rides. Please see our club handbook for more information.

If the overnight temperature falls below 3oC at any point on the preceding night, there will not be an official road ride.

A club off-road ride may be organised instead.  Also, some members might get together for a group ride on Zwift.

This does not preclude individuals from organising an unofficial road ride, via the relevant WhatsApp group, based on the understanding that they do so at their own risk.  Consequently, there would be no need to sign on.

Please post questions on either of the following WhatsApp groups:

WVC Chat, WVC Sunday, WVC Thursday morning or WVC Saturday Specials.


There are still a number of unclaimed items of new clothing awaiting collection.  Please contact Helen, via WVC Chat, for more information.

Email bike@wensumvalleycycling.club for more information.
Please do not contact The Parson Woodforde.